26 June, 2010


And it’s not “clever lonely” (like Morrissey) or “interesting Lonely” (like Radiohead); it’s “lonely, lonely,” like the way it feels when you’re being hugged by someone and it somehow makes you sadder.
Chuck Klosterman

Is it crazy that

I wanna be this girl right now?
She's wearing a ski-mask,
but shes so gorgeoussss.

I completely feel like that, down there.

and lately I've got a thing
for foul language.
It's like everday I love the
English language more and more,
and it never fucking disapppoints
I just get wrapped up in words and
sounds and how it all feels when it comes out your mouth,
or how it looks on paper, or a screen.
This shit is magically, fuck.
Three words could change my whole life:
When I'm gone, it's true, all thats left
are my words, my stories.
Raconteur until my jaw breaks.
Pen on paper til my bones rot to dust.

On another note, I wanna start
making a set of graphic design t-shirts
featuring foul-mouthed phrases.
I don't know.
The fuck word is so looked down upon
in modern society, but maybe i'll just do it.
Fuck women and children,
they can overt their eyes.


"It’s your time. Go get it, motherfucker."

25 June, 2010

not again

You're cynical, and an asshole:
I like that.

I'm fucked up, so that's
exactly what I'm looking
for in a man.

death and dying

[14:46] xxxxxxxx: i dont wanna die either
[14:47] tentacles4arms: lol 
[14:47] xxxxxxxx: i just want to die

these are our lives.

16 June, 2010

all this bullshit

" I find myself wanting so much from people,
I want to be noticed, taken care of, shown off too,
and I want someone to stick around with me, a
great friend that will hang out with me everynight,
someone I can pick up from the train at 11 am, and
drop them off at 10 pm, someone I can meet up with
and get lost and explore the city, someone who can just
come over and watch endless indie films, and listen to some of
our favorite artists together lay on my bed, and just sing
or laugh and tell stories about life, and each other so we can both grow.
someone who will text me i miss you, someone who can
just make me feel im on top of the world, at times i feel
as if i have it all, but then i dont. if only i got what i wanted,
and if only i met someone whos down for it all. fuck, i need
new people in my life. "

I don't know where this is from , but I feel it.

08 June, 2010

I was

so dedicated in March - what happened?

in recent news however, a certain
someone just unblocked me from her facebook.
Normally, something like this
isn't really news, but JT was, and still is,
the most important friend I've ever had.
Our falling out probably ranks within
the top 5 most influential events in
la vie de Regine.

It's like the first sledgehammered swing
into the Berlin Wall, I can all but hear
the pullback of the Iron Curtain.
looks like there's hope for us yet.

Its important mostly because
I haven't been exactly hopeful about
anything in my life in a while.

01 June, 2010


It's just stupid how much I'm into you.

So what of the theory, that
women have daddy issues
when their father neglect them,
and men have daddy issues when
their fathers die.

and why does being a jerk
mean you have issues, always?
being kind and genuinely compassionate,
apparently is the way we're supposed to be
that means there's nothing wrong,
but if we're all just animals...

fuck it, ill save that train
of thought for another time.