05 March, 2010

I've been so M.I.A.

I guess an update of my thoughts is in order,
because I've spent so much time writing on paper,
I forgot how good this keyboard really does feel.

So I'm officially home for good now, it's a long
complicated issue that converges some
financial aid problems and a huge issue
with some unreasonable girls that live next door,
but more on that later.
as to whether I'll be back to VCU next semester, I don't know.
Maybe it's not the place for me,
maybe it's not the place I thought it was.
Maybe I'm not who I thought I am, and thats why.

either way, for now I have some time to figure it out and I like that.

the perks of being a college-less wallflower
are that I can go wherever I want, practically.
I went to William&Mary for a week, and
surprisingly, I loved it.

Well, not immediately.
I believe the second day there I texted Marcela saying
Williamsburg takes some getting used, especially after a city like Richmond.

But all of the people I met there were fantastic, to say the least.
I thrive in mutual friend situations, so here I got
the cream of the crop:
friends that I' m close to, and new people
that are close to them as well.
I don't think I've been around such intelligence and
wit in months, it was refreshing,
like green grapes.
^see that metaphor? it was forced. and retarded.

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