24 March, 2010

via the last post

I figured I might actually make a list.
I love lists so much, but I might take
this one down eventually.
Just because, I don't want anyone to find it after I die
and see how many of these things I did not
I happen to be the world's most efficient (see:lazy)
person, but let's hope I really CAN
make a dent in this list in a year's time.

It's like a Bucket List, I suppose, but
with things that are actually achievable,
not stupid shit like "go skydiving"
or "meet the president".
Those things aren't important to me.

  • Spend more time with my family. - like, more time than humanly possible. There is no such thing as too much time spent with your own flesh and blood. True story.
  • Learn to speak Portuguese. - I've wanted to do this for so long, it's like Spanish, but trendier, hahaha. Nah, I just really wanna visit the coast of Portugal.
  • Learn to speak French. - only because I love food. This only makes sense in my head maybe, but I want to speak French because I love food.
  • Grow my hair down to my butt. - Practically impossible, because let's face it, I'm black. Our hair is ridiculous from the start. But it's past my collarbones a little bit right now and I'm slowly but steadily getting there. Too bad I can't resist the urge to dye it...
  • Go back to California. - just like Notorious fucking B.I.G. He said it best "Going back to Cali, strictly for the weather, women, and the weed. " Not that I'm into women or weed, but it's the attitude behind the statement that counts. I loved it out there, I'm going back no matter what.
  • Take a decent roadtrip. - I'm not talking about going down to Richmond for the day, I mean serious business, we're talking transcontinental. Across five states, at least. I probably will have to wait until I can afford my own car and go on my own because I don't really know anyone that would drop everything and do it with me, but that's quite alright.
  • Visit both sets of grandparents. - plane tickets cost so much these days, not to mention I don't have a passport yet, but it has to be done. Grandparents are something I'm missing in my life, bigtime. That's gotta be fixed before one of them passes away, God forbid. I'm lucky enough to have the whole package, and even a great-grandpa, I just wanna hug em all.
  • Buy my brothers something nice for Christmas. - I've got two little brothers and they don't give me shit, but it'd be cool to be Santa Claus one year and give them something spectacular. And yes, I would dress up and everything.
  • SEEING EVERY BAND I LOVE. -it's in caps lock because I'm excited. I wish I went to more concerts. Note to self - spend less money on food, and more money on concert tickets, because it is ALWAYS worth it.

It's long enough for now, continuation once
I think of more junk to put on here.
And once it's more or less complete, I'm hiding it somewhere
in January's posts so it can't be found.

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